The only EU Project vocabulary you will ever need (I)

When I started writing EU projects, reading a call and the criteria that project proposals should fulfill, I felt like all those years of English Grammar were worth nothing. Digging in the internet, even before the times of Google, I found some guides and guidelines that I completed with seminars and consultations with the concerned European Commission DG’s.

So, each time I give training on EU projects, I use this cloud, as a check-list for suitability of proposals. Beautiful colorful words, but do they mean what they mean? Not exactly. Let’s see:

Sustainability: Even if the environment dimension is essential, this reminds us that the projects have to be able to continue after the EU funding has been spent.
Local Support Groups: Compulsory for funds like URBACT, FEDER or FARNET, projects that set up a participatory approach with a focus group have a plus!
Transnational: The call normaly states a minimum of participating countries. But so as to be outstanding, the proposal has to include more than the minimum and reach geographical balance.
Added Value: The proposal has to go further than the state of the art and not be a mere repetition of on-going strategies
European Value: The project has to fulfill the EU objectives (namely today the EU 2020 strategy) and get in the mainstream of the policy we want to tackle.
Innovation: Don’t say it’s innovative, prove it. Compare, search and brainstorm the concepts.
Co-financing: With scarce exceptions, EU fund streams never offer a 100% of project budget. The proposal must ensure matching funds.

Have you found any other word that should be in the cloud?

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  1. […] And do not forget to use EU vocabulary. […]

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