European cooperation
With Atlantic Cities

2019- 2021 EURE – INTERREG Europe – Project manager
• Cooperation and networking of several European actors, in order to improve the use of European funds allocated within the framework of integrated urban development policies. Diagnosis of the urban issue at the regional level.

2018-2020 AROUND ME – Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program – Project manager.
• Transnational exchange program which gives new entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs who run SMEs in other EU countries

2017- 2021 ATLANTIC YOUTH CREATIVE HUBS – INTERREG Atlantic Area – Project design and external expertise.
• The project aims to develop an innovative model to strengthen entrepreneurship and the training of young people from all backgrounds in the creative sector.

2017- 2021 ECORIS3 – INTERREG Europe – Project manager
• The project aims to promote the transfer of innovation and knowledge produced by RTOs (Research and Technological Organizations) and higher education to local and regional companies and the public sector.

2014-2015 ATBRAND – INTERREG Atlantic Area – Project and communication manager.
• After a diagnosis, the project aimed to explore the feasibility of a long-term strategy for city branding at the local level and co-branding in the Atlantic Arc.

2013-2014 IMAGINA ATLANTICA – INTERREG Atlantic Area – Project and communication manager.
• The project aimed to create the transnational promotion agency Imagina Atlantica for the creative sector. The initiative has also developed experimental activities for the digital promotion of Atlantic heritage.

2012-2013 TOWN NETWORKING THROUGH THE ATLANTIC – Europe for citizens – Project design and communication manager.
• The project aimed to strengthen and improve the networking of sustainable cities by improving, promoting and fostering the different networks that operate in the Atlantic Arc.

2010-2014 ANATOLE – INTERREG Atlantic Area – Project and communication manager.
• After a local diagnosis, the project looked for opportunities for the local economy and short circuits, despite great complexity (regulations, variations in products, seasonality, mode, etc.), thus identifying the needs of the entities and the profiles to be defined. .

2009-2021 Monitoring, advice and expertise for European applications and projects of member cities. 

Particularly in the URBACT, INTERREG, ERASMUS and Research programs (FP7, Horizon) – more than a hundred initiatives

With the Galicia Region:

2007 YOUNG ADVISORS NETWORK IN GALICIA – Europe for citizens – Project design and management.
• Network of young experts and civil society organizations from the EU (the 27 countries). Simulation of the European Parliament (one week of activities).

With Femxa Group:

2005-2006: E-RETAIL – E-LEARNING program – Leader.
• Innovative methods to improve the skills of the retail sector and their economic performance through e-learning.

Development cooperation

With the Galicia Region:
2008 – September-December: Call for applications for integrated development cooperation programs – Co-editor
2008 – February-December: Training program for artisanal fishing in Central America – Project assistant and on-site evaluator (July-August 2008).
2008- February-December: Educational quality in the rural communities of San Salvador and La Libertad (El Salvador) – Monitoring assistant and on-site evaluator (July 2008)
2008 – February-December: Oxlajuj Tz’ikin Program (Guatemala) Community development strategy (several projects) – Project assistant and on-site evaluator (August 2008).
2008 – February-December: Conservation of coastal marine resources and increase in the benefits of artisanal fishing in the Gulf of Fonseca (El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua) – Monitoring assistant and on-site evaluator (July 2008)
2008 – February: Call for development cooperation projects – Evaluator (100 applications).