Participatory Budgeting: Lisbon

A notorious pioneer in social innovation, Lisbon was the first European Capital in implementing the participatory budgeting. Up to an amount equivalent to 5% of the investment budget (which until this issue has been of five million euros) the Lisbon Participatory Budget (PB) runs along a cycle with several phases. As it is completely based …

Kickstart your International Project

When working at an international level, “I have a project” is a recurring statement. However, many times the speaker has only “an idea for a project” or “a goal to be achieved by a project”. Therefore, setting the stage of what a project is comes as a natural step. In simple terms, an international project …

Wooing an EU call for projects

Every first comer to EU projects asks the same question: how can I get some funds? At first, we should make the difference, in a broad picture, between funds directly managed by the European Commission and those in charge of national /regional managing authorities. And then try to find synergies between the initiativewe want to upgrade …