What is the city but the people?

    Initially published at CAAC blog An article written for the Urban Solutions Seminar, Birmingham May 2012.  Amazing cities. Social constructions, where the best and the worst of humanity live together.  From the first fortifications in the Middle Ages to the megapolis of Tokio or Mexico, cities have developed and now seem the most …

Some ideas on city storytelling

Initially published at CAAC blog Explained by Zideate, “as a marketing tactic, storytelling is based on the premise that people remember information better when it is told as a story rather than presented as a list of facts. This is largely because stories are more relatable and inspire an emotional reaction in an audience. Any marketing …

Julia Cameron: Is creativity for everybody? (II)

    One of the most visible consequences of self-rejection is procrastination. For Cameron, procrastination haunts the artist because s/he prefers to leave everything for later than to face a sure failure. The blocked artist believes that in a better future, with more time, money, age, position or life experience would be easier to create …